Thursday, 3 March 2011

On Professor Tamm

So, today I made the glorious realization that I can take my laptop to class. This could be seen as a good or bad things. Good in the sense that I am now attending said class, bad because now I'm really not paying much for attention.

So I'll tell you about the class. Introduction to Roman Culture. This is my second time taking this class, it was my only failed class last year, evidently writing essays worth 30% of your mark are more important than I previously considered. Now I sit and lament not writing that essay. Before taking this class for the second time, I thought it would just be another fun filled class, as it was last year. I actually really enjoyed it, just lacked the motivation to get much work done. This year I have a different professor. Professor Tamm. Instead of the the fun Roman class I thought I was going to get, I get the most_boring_class_ever. If you ever get a chance to sit in on a Tamm class, do it. It's the experience of a lifetime and you will grow to love your teachers even more. Don't get me wrong, he's not a bad guy, but sitting in a tiny cramped classroom for an hour and twenty minutes listening to him talk is agonizing. The monotony kills. He likes to talk, and will lecture you for the entire duration of the class, same tone of voice consistently.

 *side note* He just said blow job. I am in shock.

He drinks the same drink every class, out of the same unlabeled Gatorade bottle. There is a lot of speculation as to what this beverage may be, I've just taken to referring to it as the "piss drink" due to the colour of it. You will never see him drink much of it, just a tiny sip maybe three or four times a class. This is what you learn when you're trying to concentrate on anything but what is going on. Anyways, talking about Tamm is no more interesting than listening to his class, so below is a picture Alanna drew you representing Tamm. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Just tell him to get off his Meds and he will be the most interesting teacher you will ever have.
